Interesting Facility Research Highlights

From mid September 2005 through late January 2006 school principals were asked to participate in a study conducted by the National Center For Education Statistics.
The study, appropriately named "Public School Principals Report On Their School Facilities," revealed information on the extent of the match between the enrollment and the capacity of the school buildings, environmental factors that can affect the use of classrooms and school buildings, the extent and ways in which schools use portable buildings and the reasons for using them, the availability of dedicated rooms for particular subject areas (such as science labs or music rooms), and the cleanliness and maintenance of student restrooms. Here is the first piece of data found to be interesting:

The Schools that principals described as overcrowded used a variety of approaches to deal with overcrowding:

using portable classrooms (78 percent)
converting non classroom space into classrooms (53 percent)
increasing class sizes (44 percent)
building or renovation (35 percent)
using offsite facilities (5 percent)

Stay tuned to this blog for more facts and figures from this report.

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